Configuring Leave Rules

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A Leave rule is one of the unique and advanced features of IceHrm. Using leave rules you can overwrite the behavior of leave types for job titles, employment statuses, or even individual employees. The following examples will show you the proper way to use leave rules

Example 1

To enable all Software Engineers to apply for 20 annual leaves, you need to add a new leave rule as shown below

icehrm - leave management system - leave rule 1

Example 2

Enable all Software Engineers who are permanent employees to apply for 10 medical leaves

icehrm - leave management system - leave rule 2

Example 3

Do not allow contact workers to apply for casual leaves. Only administrator is allowed to apply casual leaves behalf of them with a maximum limit of 5 leaves per leave period

icehrm - leave management system - leave rule 3

Example 4

How to allow employees to take annual leave only after completing 1 year of service? For this create a leave rule having the topmost department of your company and select the required experience to 365 days.

icehrm - leave management system - leave rule 3